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- Red Hat Linux/Intel 4.2 (Biltmore)
- ==================================
- The contents of this CD-ROM are Copyright (C) 1997 Red Hat Software, Inc.
- and others. Please see the individual copyright notices in each source
- package for distribution terms. The distribution terms of the tools
- copyrighted by Red Hat Software are as noted in the file COPYING.
- Red Hat, RPM, Red Baron, and glint are trademarks of Red Hat Software, Inc.
- ============================================================================
- This directory is organized as follows:
- /mnt/redhat
- |----> RedHat
- |----> RPMS -- binary packages
- |----> base -- small filesystem setup archives
- |----> instimage -- image used for graphical installs
- |----> images -- boot and ramdisk images
- |----> dosutils -- installation utilities for DOS
- |----> doc -- various FAQs and HOWTOs
- |----> misc -- source files, install trees
- |----> COPYING -- copyright information
- |----> README -- this file
- |----> RPM-PGP-KEY -- PGP signature for packages from Red Hat
- |
- |----> SRPMS -- Source RPMS for Red Hat distribution
- |----> ftp.xfree86.org -- Miiror of archives at ftp.xfree86.org
- If you are mirroring to a partition or an NFS volume, you'll need to
- get everything under RedHat, as well as the disk images from images
- that you need for your system.
- ============================================================================
- If you are installing this release via ftp, off of a hard drive, from
- a Windows NT or Windows 95 fileserver, or through a PCMCIA card, you
- need both a boot disk and a supplemental disk. If you are installing
- via NFS or CDROM without using a PCMCIA adapter you only need a boot
- disk. If you did not receive floppy disks with this product, the images
- for these disks are in the images directory. Either the rawrite program
- in the dosutils directory or 'dd' under any Unix like system can be used
- to transfer the image to physical floppies. Once the diskettes are made,
- insert the boot disk and boot your machine.
- ============================================================================
- There's a mailing list for discussion of this Red Hat release. To subscribe,
- send mail to redhat-list-request@redhat.com:
- subscribe
- in the subject line. You can leave the body empty.
- ============================================================================
- If you did not receive documentation with this product, you can order the
- manual from the Red Hat Software.
- Red Hat Software can be reached at:
- (800) 454-5502
- (888) RED-HAT1
- (919) 572-6500
- fax: (919) 572-6726
- email: info@redhat.com
- FTP: ftp://ftp.redhat.com
- WWW: http://www.redhat.com
- Red Hat Software
- Research Triangle Park, NC